Steve Gregory grew up in rural Ontario and had a variety of broadening experiences such as living overseas for 3 years.

Steve excelled scholastically and started his Masters in Engineering on the second best scholarship in the country. During this time he further developed a psychosis which went undiagnosed and untreated for years.

At the end of this time he had a very serious vehicle accident resulting in a level 3 on the Glasgow Coma Scale. His recovery has challenged his beliefs and his strength of character to the maximum possible.

With great determination and a deeply curious mind Steve has progressed into a very full life. Since his injury Steve’s married, written two books and is the founder and director of the not-for-profit, After ABI Rehab, which seeks to impart lessons he has learned the hard way to others who may be facing similar challenges.

You can read more about Steve’s life, struggles and lessons through his books The Journey: Tips & Tales and The Journey Continues.

Contact Steve

You can contact me using the form below.

If you do need to talk to someone about your rehabilitation journey may I suggest first family, then friends, then colleagues, then ABI people, and then try me.

I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!